The Facial Gun Massager is used to reduce muscle pain, improve blood circulation, and relieve joint pain after a hard workout or prolonged physical work. It is used by professional athletes and people suffering from multiple sclerosis, arthritis and muscle atrophy. The Fascial Gun muscle massager uses a vibration therapy method that combines a specific amplitude, vibration frequency and torque of the massage element. The effect is achieved by acting on the inner layers of the tendons, muscle tissue and fascia, which do not cause pain. The massager is made in an ergonomic form in the form of physiotherapy device, it sits comfortably in the hand, it is convenient to use. There are 4 nozzles in the kit, for influencing certain muscle groups of the legs, buttocks, back, chest, wrists and ankles., it works from the built-in battery
Frozma RevivaFace – facial gun muscle Massager (FREE DELIVERY)
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